Framework7 Vue: Swiper slidesPerView not working

Nazreen Mohamad
2 min readJun 27, 2021

I banged my for 6 hours on this particular issue, and I’m posting this online so that when you Google it, you won’t have to go through the same.

On, the docs talk about an elegant Swiper component. It actually uses the Swiper library under the hood.

There are 3 examples and the on you and I are concerned with is the last one:

<f7-block-title>With additional parameters</f7-block-title>
<f7-swiper navigation :speed="500" :slidesPerView="3" :spaceBetween="20">
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 1</f7-swiper-slide>
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 2</f7-swiper-slide>
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 3</f7-swiper-slide>
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 4</f7-swiper-slide>
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 5</f7-swiper-slide>
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 6</f7-swiper-slide>

Ah, slidePerView. Such a convenient param to have.

Except, it won’t work.

The solution?

Refer to a Framework7’s v1's documentation that tells you another way to pass the params. The page is

The example code is

<f7-swiper next-button prev-button :params="{speed:500, slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 20}">
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 1</f7-swiper-slide>
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 2</f7-swiper-slide>
<f7-swiper-slide>Slide 3</f7-swiper-slide>

And that’s the solution.

If I had the luxury of future me telling me the answer, I would have saved myself 6 hours. Instead, I had to inspect Framework7’s dist folders to look for the mention of ‘slidesPerView’ (there are no mentions of it being an accepted prop for the f7-swiper component). I tried to use the Swiper library for Vue directly but the project I was working on was fixed to Vue v2 and the Swiper Vue only supports Vue v3. I tried to use Swiper directly and inject the JS myself, bypassing Vue. Nope. I tried other libraries to no avail too. The solution was to look at an outdated Framework7 version’s documentation, despite my project using the latest version of Framework7.

