The robber who decided to walk away — and what that says about crime
Recently, a video surfaced that showed a robber who, upon seeing the ATM balance of a woman who he was robbing, decided to return all the money back to her. He first took the cash that was initially drawn, then makes the woman display her account balance. When he saw that it was empty, he gave her all her cash back. Watch the video below:
Now, what does this say about the thinking behind the robbing?
The robber decided to not rob the woman upon finding out she doesn’t have much.
Perhaps the robber doesn’t have a 0 balance like the woman.
So what does this say about the condition that the robber set? — that he wanted to rob someone who probably has more than him. He wanted to rob someone who has relatively more than him.
Conveniently for us, China Central Television reported:
“According to reports, the robber named Deng needed money urgently but he did not have a permanent job.”
He was out to equalize his own wealth relative to someone else who has more.
The keyword here is equality. If a society has more wealth equality, there would be less crime. A society that pays no attention to growing inequalities are bound to be plagued with crime.