Member-only story
Viettel: check how many GB left
Jul 31, 2023
Welcome, dear traveller.
This is how you check how many GB is left.
You can do this via sending a text message.
Send ‘KTTK’ to 191. 2 minutes later, you will get a response like:
Luu luong con lai cua Quy khach la:
7736MB (V200B) truy cap Internet den 00h00 ngay 01-08-2023
Xin Quy khach luu y: ngat ket noi internet truoc khi thuc hien tra cuu.
De biet thong tin cac goi Mobile Internet khac, bam goi *098#. LH 198 (0d).
Tran trong.
The number that precedes ‘MB’ is how many MB you have left. In this example, I sent the text on 31 July 2023. It says that I have 7.7 GB left, which is valid until midnight. That’s how much I had left for the day.
Hope that helps! Enjoy your stay in Vietnam!